
Holistic approach to Emotional & Body Work

AKOŪO stems from
the Greek verb meaning to hear, to listen,
to understand. 

  • AKOŪO sessions have been designed to work on the deep, multi-layered interconnections between our physical, emotional and mental bodies.

    All our parts work together to form an integrated and connected whole, meaning that any work that balances one level will improve balance on the others.

    Using an integrative approach, our aim with this work is to help build readiness in the mind-body system to change and release patterns and habits that are outdated. To reprogram and outgrow stories, enabling us to harmonize our inner world and to be flexible and resilient in our dealings with the outer world.

  • Integrative Hypnosis helps us work with your unconscious mind to not only access patterns held in the body but also on the mental level, and empower you to rewire your own brain and change your habituated unconscious patterns more easily.

    Craniosacral therapy and SomatoEmotional Release®, provides us with a framework and toolkit for working with the body tissues at the same time as with the emotions, to work towards a ‘release’ of any retained trauma.



Hypnotherapy is a type of Mind-Body work in which hypnosis is used to create a state of focused awareness and increased suggestibility in the treatment of a clinical or psychological condition.

Hypnosis can be used to help you gain control over undesired behaviors, cope better with anxiety and is often used to help people relax, ease chronic pain, and facilitate a desired behavioral change.



Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on method based on osteopathy, that uses light touch to help the nervous system find balance and restore function by gently removing restrictions that can be detected and corrected throughout the body.

It is based on the idea that the body is interrelated at all levels and can be helpful in calming the mind, harmonizing emotions and encouraging physical well-being.


“there is a voice that doesn’t use words, listen.”

— Rumi